sunset2 Why Why Why?

You puzzle over it.
You look for reasons.
Why this, why me, why now, why why why…

Maybe you know why, like the turbulence on your flight, but that doesn’t make it go away.

Maybe you can’t think of anything that explains it. That doesn’t mean there’s no cause. It just means it’s hidden. It’s in the subconscious.

It’s small, easily forgettable, easily overlooked. It’s like the tiny bit of grit in your shoe, or even worse, in your eye. Once you find it, it’s hard to believe something so small caused all that trouble.

Using hypnosis, that bit of grit can be found and put back where it belongs – outside.

Problems and symptoms and conditions often take years to get a good hold on us. They can start as minor irritations. Then they get worse and worse, until we end up suffering so much that we eventually go for help.

It doesn’t take years to find the underlying cause, and once found and corrected, the benefits start to be noticeable over the next few weeks. And from then on, the condition improves until one day it becomes a vague and distant memory.

Mary Ratcliffe
mary @

Curative Hypnotherapist - Qualified at Therapy Training College, Birmingham.

It's a big decision. I'm sure you are wondering what is the best type of treatment for you, and who would be the best therapist to work with.

To help you, I offer a free initial consultation. We take about 30 minutes to discuss what you want help with and how we would work on it.

There is no obligation - you decide what is best for you. All that I ask is that you allow up to 90 minutes and £40 fee in case you decide to start there and then.

I'm currently working online only, via Zoom/Skype, and since March 2020, clients have been finding it convenient. The results I've seen have been as good as those from in-person sessions. If you are unsure or unfamiliar with video calling, I can help you set up and try it out prior to the first session.

To book an initial session, please ring or email me some day/times when you are available and I will send you an appointment to fit in with you where possible.

Fees - £40. Please allow 45 to 60 minutes - up to 90 minutes for initial session.

Payment by Paypal or BACS/online

Please give at least 48 hours notice of changes to appointments or cancellations.

"What do you expect...?"

Mary Ratcliffe's latest book on Curative Hypnotherapy, is available now.

Read about it here.

"What if it really is...?"

Mary Ratcliffe's book on the subconscious mind is available now.

Read about it here.